Tuesday, October 9, 2012

NFL: Houston Texans

I don't believe that they've met such big problem, wish them every thing is fine.

Cushing is expected to be two to three weeks surgery injured knee swelling a fall.

Texans "most valuable player in 2011, Cushing cause NFL third at the back this season and 29 ball, there are five on Monday in exit before in his own strength in a piece of the aircraft guard matt Slauson.

In the first round of the 2009 NFL draft, Cushing 133 processing as a novice, he won a trip to Pro bowl and defensive rookie of the year honour. He also led the team to solve in 2011.

"You don't change players like (library)," Kubiak said. "You other football team has got to pick, play better. We should appeal to others to do their job better." (the report by Steve keating in Toronto; editor frank Pingue)

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