Monday, June 25, 2012

An important attraction of sport is also its competitive and challenging nature

An important attraction of sport is also its competitive and challenging nature. Men have always wanted to prove who is the strongest, the quickest, and the highest. The roots of men's desire to display their physical health and beauty go back to ancient times when the idea of the Olympic Games first appeared.

The original games began in ancient Greece in 776 ВС. These games were the part of the festival held every four years in honour of the god Zeus, at a place called Olympia. The festival included contests that tested the skills of soldiers. It included such kinds of as: boxing, running, wrestling, etc. The winner was given a branch of wild olive and that was the greatest honour. After nearly 300 Olympiads they were stopped by the Roman emperor Theodosius. who felt that they had pagan meaning.

The modern Olympics, revived in 1896, owe a lot to one man, Baron Pierre de Coubertain who was convinced that sport is an essential part in an individual's development. I agree with him completely and I think that international matches and tournaments unite nations; they play an important role in establishing good relations between countries. As the President of the International Olympic Committee. Juan Antonio Samaranch says: "The Olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and co-operation among the youth of the world. The Olympic movement proves that real peace can be achieved through sport".

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