Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Comment on: I think that sports is very important.

I always think sport is very important,Since I was a little kid, sports really have been important to me and my happiness. I am not going to lie, I am not a natural athlete, but that never stopped me from having a good time. Then again, I had a good mentality that made me work, just so I would improve in whatever I was doing. I must say, that has brought me to an acceptable level in a lot of sports. Okay, it still makes me a pretty modest sportsmen, but passion and determination does a great deal in that case. It really made me wonder how I got to a point where I didn’t sport at all.

I like sports, I also have never given up on the movement, because I know the importance of it, for our health.I have been playing football all my life and until this moment I still am. A life without would be unimaginable and so I am still on the pitch three nights a week. Both giving training and do some training myself. What I am really trying to say is that I am not as sporty as I used to be. Back in elementary and high school I used to sport any day of the week. I had two days where I needed to train for football and Saturday was our match day. Apart from that, I used to play a lot of football with my friends and other kids around the neighborhood. The rest of the week I filled with cycling or playing tennis in the backyard. The fence has suffered quite a bit from that, but hé, kids need to play right? Besides, there were classes in gymnastics at least two times a week. During the summertime I also played a lot of beach volley with my brother and father on the beach. So I guess it is fair to say I was pretty sporty kid anyway.

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